Saturday, 7 November 2009

Here we go again

The Bethnal Green Centre is once again under thret from Tower Hamlets Council.
Come to the meeting with counciler Fazul Hoque THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER AT 5.30 at the Bethnal Green Centre, 229 Bethnal Green road (behind the post office)
The latest attack on dirtyhands classes such as woodwork and upholstery comes in the form of an"observation"in which tutors previously marked as outstanding have been said to be unsatisfactory. Teaching which dose not fit through the moving goal posts will be sudspended.One fixture built by the health and safety coordinator was said to be a hazard on health and saftey grounds.
Course fees have been raised, as has the minimum number of students required to run a course.Therefore courses have been closed due to lack of numbers.Marketing of classes remains woefuly inadiquate
One tutor has been thretend with suspension should they get involved in the fight back.(no suprise there then)
Counciler Hoque seems to have forgoten that we were at the hustings meeting before he was elected where he was arguing for the introduction of school children into the Bethnal Green Centre, now he seems to have changed his mind saying he would like to see it as a" community centre"
Show your support for this vital community recorce by coming on thursday 19th ,sighn the pettition or sighn up for a class.



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